Swamp Thing DC Universe Season 1, Episode 9 “The Anatomy Lesson”
After finishing the penultimate episode of Swamp Thing, I was filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, it has great visual effects and much to my surprise, Swamp Thing gets plenty of screen time. On the other, The Anatomy Lesson is a time tested classic, and when it came to adapting the source material, it appears the writers arrived at class claiming the dog ate their homework.
When translating a story of this magnitude to film, the original content must be treated with respect. Not so say changes can't be made, it's inevitable, but one must tread carefully. Much like the skeleton of Alec Holland that Swamp Thing delivers from the bayou, this take on The Anatomy Lesson merely picks at the bones of the tale that inspired it.
Before the series started, I had concerns about the inclusion of Blue Devil and Xanadu to the cast. There are so many layers to explore within Swamp Thing and Abby's relationship alone, establishing the key players for a potential Justice League Dark spinoff would be too distracting. Until now, the pacing involved in regards to integrating these characters has been pretty good. Even the Phantom Stranger whom I don't believe received a fitting debut has subtly proven to be an effective ringmaster.
I did mention "until now" because Blue Devil is given an integral part to play in this version of The Anatomy Lesson which is completelyunnecessary. Sure, I understand the big transformation from Dan Cassidy to Blue Devil also occurred, but it really should've happened three episodes ago. Saving it for such an authoritative chapter is downright annoying.
The resolution of the Avery/Maria rift appears to have been affected by the episode order being cut from thirteen to ten. Avery's revenge is far too convenient. With Maria growing to be such a formidable presence on the show, it's difficult to accept the outcome. Could there be more to come during the finale? Of course, but should this be the conclusion, going out with a whimper wasn't a wise choice. Unlike Blue Devil, the Sunderland's saga is worth watching.
The original Anatomy Lesson was told 35 years ago in the pages of Swamp Thing Vol.2 #21, courtesy of writer Alan Moore. It contained a shocking twist that altered the continuity of Swamp Thing and cemented the issue as one of the greatest stories to ever see print. That's a lot to live up to. Thankfully, the television series kept that element intact. They certainly took a different path to get there, yet the reveal is so good, it's nearly impossible to screw up. A new generation of fans will be scraping their jaws off the floor and that's amazing.
While I have my grievances with how everything played out, there are some really nice touches here. The autopsy scenes are quite horrific. Not only visually, but psychologically as well. The majority of the acting performances were strong per usual, and we finally have a Swamp Thing centric installment to sink our teeth into. The overall quality we've come to expect from the series remains, making it extremely watchable, warts and all.
Did The Anatomy Lesson meet my expectations? Heck no, nor was it the best episode of Swamp Thing to date, which should have been a slam dunk. Next time we see Swamp Thing and company may be the last for a long while. I sincerely hope an epic finale is put on the table.
me get this out of the way right off the bat. Swamp Thing doesn’t fully
appear in this episode until the 21-minute mark. I usually save his
bits for last as he’s barely on the show that bears his name. A
complaint that’s common on social media and many reviews, including my own.
It’s a fair gripe to have. In my case, I’ve been wowed so much by the
supporting cast’s acting performance that I decided to overlook the
glaring absence of Swamp Thing and instead, focus on the story unfolding
onscreen. Overall it’s been very good, but not without a few bumps in
the road; sadly Long Walk Home makes residence in the scrap heap.
The primary reason I was disappointed in this episode was it felt so
uneven. The first half just drags along. I’ll give it credit for
providing a fair amount of backstory, especially with Avery Sunderland
(Will Patton). Struggling for survival, Avery takes a miserable trip
down memory lane in the form of visions. He’s stated previously, along
with his daughter, the swamp killed his father. Here we see just how
that happened and as much as Avery hates the swamp, it may actually
despise him even more. It’s hard to dislike any moment where Will Patton
is the main focus because he’s exceptional in this role. Unfortunately,
during all this, we are subjected to a scene that may have the worst
visual effects of the series thus far. That turned out to be a big turn
Abby (Crystal Reed) has returned to the CDC in Atlanta where we get a
nice guest appearance from Adrienne Barbeau who plays her boss Dr.
Palomer. She proves to be a difficult woman to work for, as it’s later
revealed she serves Nathan Ellery (Michael Beach) of the Conclave.
Despite being a small part, it’s great to see a nod to the original Wes
Craven film by casting Barbeau, who was the first person to portray Abby
Arcane. The problem here seems to be, while the acting is good, the pace is
slow. For the most part, just toggling between Avery and Abby. There are
other threads interjected into the show, namely Matt Cable’s own daddy
issues, but it was shallow, not enough there to make it interesting.
With the titular monster MIA and no jump scares waiting around the
corner, the minutiae begins to wear you down. The back end, however, has
the goodies we’ve been waiting for.
Thing steps in to save Avery and with that, falls victim to false
promises. Or are they? Just when you think being double-crossed has made
Avery soft, Jason Woodrue (Kevin Durand) plays devil’s advocate,
returning Avery to his villainous ways. You can’t teach an old dog new
tricks, especially when you wave a fortune in front of his face.
Swamp Thing’s action sequence isn’t long but allows for his powers to
be on display. Great to get a taste of that albeit only in a little
dose. The hardcore fan base will be happy with the show’s ending, as it
signals an adaptation of a comic book classic TheAnatomy Lesson.
Originally told by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, and John Totleben in
Swamp Thing Volume 2 #21, the story is one, if not the most, important
chapters of Swamp Thing lore. This is exciting news, just be prepared
for Swampy spending the majority of the next episode on ice.
So while this installment started out dull, it set the table and
ended with a bang. As it’s been with my experience, whenever Swamp Thing
sinks, he rises once again to tear my heart out. Next week is the
perfect opportunity to do just that.
6.5 Tubers out of 10
-David Schultz
Originally published on: https://thegww.com/swamp-thing-01x08-review/
from the previous episode, Swamp Thing has produced a spore that allows
Abby (Crystal Reed) to hallucinate and view him as Alec Holland (Andy
Bean). For the uninitiated, this ia a trick used in the comics through
the use of tubers he grows from his body, albeit in the case of Swampy
and Abby, for ahem… lovemaking. While the results appeared uneven at
times, seeing the concept translated onscreen is quite enjoyable. I’m
glad they decided to use that as a storytelling tactic prior to the
series conclusion. The reunion leads Alec and Abby to the Rot, a force that’s been
addressed previously on the show. The Rot is in constant battle with the
source of Swamp Thing’s powers, the Green. Yet another cool nod to the
source material (there will be more), but Abby has danced with darkness
one too many times and during their trip visiting the Rot’s domain in
the swamp, she becomes infected by it. The true meat to be had here has nothing to do with the stars, but
rather the supporting cast. There are some outstanding acting
performances and subplots that consistently bring the goods. The trio of
Avery Sunderland (Will Patton), his wife Maria (Virginia Madsen) and
Lucilia Cable (Jennifer Beals) are an absolute tour de force that could
crack your television screen.
and Patton are paired up after she throws a serious wrinkle into
Avery’s plans to host his benefactor, Nathan Ellery of the Conclave
(told you more comic connections were coming). Avery’s goal is to secure
the funds Jason Woodrue (Kevin Durand) needs to finish his research.
Rather than arriving at dinner on time, Avery ends up in a serious
quagmire. The acting supplants the somewhat predictable outcome to his
troubles and accentuates the suspense. Waiter, can I get more of that
onscreen chemistry, please? Thank you. Speaking of interesting wrinkles, the script is fully stocked. It
starts with Avery, Lucilia and even her son Matt Cable (Henderson Wade)
joins the fun, but doesn’t stop there. For example, it’s been
established that Woodrue wants to cure his wife of her Alzheimer’s
disease, due to his odd demeanor suspicions are bound to be raised.
Namely, what does Woodrue truly love the most, his spouse or science?
While the episode title Brilliant Disguise
obviously is a reference to Alec and Abby’s adventure, it may actually,
and appropriately, be a metaphor for Maria’s character arc. We’ve seen
her emotional status take many forms. There have been flashes of
strength, but overall she’s been suffering from grief. To the point, it
made her delusional, nearly following the ghost of her daughter Shawna
(Given Sharp) to early death in the murky depths. Not…any…more.
Maria flexes her muscles and we witness how she’s not someone to be
reckoned with. Empowerment is one heck of a drug, which makes you
wonder. Was she always waiting in the weeds ready to strike, or was
losing Shawna for good the straw that broke her back? Either way, it’s a
powerful performance to watch. Madsen knocks the role out of the park
and into oncoming traffic. Which coincidentally, is where one may end up
should they cross Maria Sunderland.
Yet again, there isn’t much Swamp Thing physically to be seen.
Understandably frustrating for some I’m sure, except there’s poetry at
play and it shouldn’t be dismissed. While Abby saw him as Alec again for
a brief time, he remained in the body of a monster. No matter what
transformations or trials lie ahead Alec accepts his fate, but he’s
unwilling to let go of at least one human characteristic, his heart.
still in the source material and speculative vein, I must also note
this installment ends with a severely wounded Avery letting out
blood-curdling scream. What terrifies him so? Could be pain I suppose.
My inner fan, however, cried out Anton Arcane! I know, with three
episodes left, this isn’t the time to have such hopes. But think about
it for a second, how perfect would it be that Brilliant Disguise gave birth to the greatest charlatan Swamp Thing has ever faced? Hmm…
8.5 Tubers out of 10
-David Schultz
Originally published at: https://thegww.com/swamp-thing-01x07-review/
Swamp Thing DC Universe Season 1, Episode 6 “The Price You Pay”
This installment of Swamp Thing has a lot going for it. Fans should enjoy the pacing, which effortlessly weaves together plot points and provides a pleasant amount of answers. With only four episodes left (including this one) and the show being cut down from 13 episodes to 10, I started to worry the cramming would begin. While there is a fair amount to digest, the storytelling remains smooth.
Overall the acting continues to be very good. There are some cracks in the armor that I'll get to momentarily, but the majority of the cast has the ability to steal the show. Crystal Reed as Abby is an absolute star in the making, Kevin Durand turns the creepy up to eleven as Jason Woodrue, and Will Patton's portrayal of Avery Sunderland is absolutely brilliant. Maria Sten's performance as Liz Tremayne has been given room to grow, and the results are positive. Liz was a key character in the comics, and while this is a far different take, much like everything else, Sten has been highly entertaining. Speaking of which, Jennifer Beals is killing it as Lucilla Cable. She's provided with depth and delivers each and every time. Standout material that I can't get enough of.
That's all well and good, but what's wrong with this episode? The other shoe had to drop sometime, and I have some complaints. Let's start with Blue Devil.
If you're anything like me, you consider superhero fare on the CW mostly poor. Yeah, I'm spoiled. We all are. The genre has been dominating our screens steadily for over a decade. So a show that would have blown my mind before the boom, can't quite stack up now. Not that I'm damning a product simply because it's on network television. You see, slapping a cape on a daytime soap caliber product is the CW's bread and butter. No offense to any of the actors on those programs, we all have to make a living. I just don't have to watch it.
Ian Ziering thus far has been decent playing the cursed Dan Cassidy. Here, however, it felt as if I was thrust into one of those aforementioned CW cut-rate creations. I did like the involvement of the Phantom Stranger in flashbacks and the clue drops, but other than that...oh boy, it was tough to watch. The visuals that are normally strong also looked better suited for a lower tier of television. There isn't much time left before the show's conclusion, hopefully they turn that story arc around.
We've finally reached the point in the review where we talk, well, about Swamp Thing. This is not a case of saving the best for last, but rather the least gets saved for later. I recently read a critique on social media where someone stated this Swamp Thing show shares similarities with the 90's series because he's firmly placed in the peripheral. I can't argue with that, nor could anyone else, and it's been an ongoing gripe of mine.
Much like a bait and switch, it feels like we are given crazy-good Swampy action to start the episode as compensation for his MIA status the remainder of the program. I'd be willing to guess and could be wrong as I didn't actually time it, Swamp Thing is onscreen more here than ever before. He's also used purposefully which is key, especially if he's just going to stand around. And guess what! Swampy lets out a mighty roar...again. Looks cool enough I suppose, yet I'm curious to know who decided that needed to be his signature move.
If you couldn't tell by now, I have a love/hate relationship with this chapter. Some elements are so good that I can't take my eyes off them, deserving high marks. But alas, the standard of quality on Swamp Thing had been set, and Blue Devil dragged down The Price You Pay.
Swamp Thing DC Universe Season 1, Episode 4 Darkness on the Edge of Town
Over the course of watching the first four episodes of Swamp Thing, it's become fairly obvious mirroring is a key storytelling element. Flashbacks pair with events unfolding in the present, and similar circumstances shared by characters are a nice tease while we wait for the dots to connect. This being said, I'm still fairly surprised, and quite pleased to say, "Darkness on the Edge of Town" could share roots with the original Swamp Thing television series from the 90s.
With the sick townsfolk in Marais showing significant signs of improvement, a new affliction arises within the bayou. Dark forces lay dormant for only so long, and while the effects start more subtle than the swamp flu, the results make for a hallucinogenic horror-fest. Worst nightmares realized as bad trips just might cause you to have a sleepless night.
Abby receives a key piece of data from Alec in the form of a tissue sample. While studying the cell anomaly that makes up Swamp Thing's monstrous form, an arrogant Jason Woodrue offers her assistance with the analysis. Abby agrees to an uneasy alliance with the mad scientist, which is equally frustrating and intriguing. It's one of those times you want to yell at your screen, as if you could influence her decision, but also can't wait to see what his intentions are with this breakthrough she shouldn't have handed over.
The Sunderland's sights are set on the recently orphaned, and now healthy Susie Coyle. It's made clear early in the episode that they intend on taking her into their care, yet it avoids becoming a boring plot point thanks to the individual motives behind the decision. For Maria, Susie would serve as a surrogate daughter, filling a void left in her heart and home since Shawna passed away. Avery however, views her as a science experiment. Heads up comic book fans, when it's Abby's turn to dance with her inner demons, your heart may explode with joy...or terror. Any way you decide to slice it, be prepared to speculate on what an Arcane family reunion might look like.
I noted "Darkness on the Edge of Town" feels like it pays tribute to its 90s predecessor. The reason for this is, while multiple threads add depth to be discovered down the road, there's a clear resolution to the threat posed here. The story is properly bookended, and I love that. The majority of episodes from the previous series were stand-alone tales. Sometimes, it's enjoyable to have the ability to watch something without being bogged down by what came before. Nowadays we stream, binge and never miss a beat. But back when the original aired and you forgot to set your VCR for when you weren't home, better luck next week buddy.
Breaking news, Derek Mears plays one hell of a Swamp Thing. One of my gripes thus far is how little we've seen of the title character. He's still not hogging the screen by any stretch, but what we do see is fantastic. Mears emotes well through the makeup and allows the man inside the monster to shine. I found myself getting lost in the facial expressions on display, and just how amazing Swamp Thing looks.
This is my favorite episode thus far. Swamp Thing didn't get any action sequences, but they weren't required. He perfectly serves his purpose in a well-rounded script. Stunning visuals, spooky bits are spectacular, and the acting performances have an emotional edge. Think I got myself a nasty case of swamp scratch fever, and I like it! 8.5 Tubers out of 10 -David Schultz