Superman, the world's greatest superhero. Without Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's creation all of us may have lived crummy lives. Other powered beings have appeared in literature throughout the ages but Superman was a f'ing rock star. Creating the model which all our costumed heroes we love were formed, I will always tip my hat to the Man of Steel.
Even with the respect I have for the inspiration he's provided, my last crack at a Supes review was less than kind. But hey, in my humble opinion he wasn't portrayed in the best light. If you've read any of my previous work, you would know I'm a sucker for EVERY back issue I can get my grubby fingers on, so the Last Son of Krypton and I were bound to cross paths again here in Two Staple Gold.
This issue caught my eye for more than just the fact some guy dressed up like Wonder Woman looks to be giving Supes a terrible case of constipation. I also have a lot of admiration for the writer Marty Pasko and renowned artist Curt Swan. Apologies to both creators as I poke a little fun at Superman #349 "The Turnabout Trap" cover dated July, 1980 published by DC Comics.

Returning from an interstellar adventure that "took longer than expected" our hero is bent out of shape for potentially being late for work. No time for a shower or morning coffee when you fear Perry White will tear you a new one. After swooping through an open window at the Daily Planet and changing into his alter ego Clark Kent he prepares to face his angry boss. Instead of finding a perturbed Perry he discovers they decided to change the plumbing while he was away.

"Clark picked the wrong day to try Peyote."
Everyone's genders have been switched. On the plus side, Jimmy Olsen...err...I mean Jenny Olsen sure can rock a neckerchief like nobody's business. Utterly stunned, Clark needs some fresh air. On his way out of the building various theories enter his mind. A practical joke perhaps or maybe Red Kryptonite is to blame for what he's witnessing. As he exits, a window washer falls from her perch and is saved by...Superwoman?! Clark has a hunch and uses his super vision to look towards the Justice League Satellite. There his suspicions are confirmed, all of his friends have been affected by gender swapping.

"Black Condor? Nice try but on this world he goes by Captain Nair."

"You better believe Human Resources is gonna hear about this one!"

"Groovy! We finally found a use for our spare SUPER Bong!"

"Wonder Warrior is a sucker for a set of smooth pipes."

"Ok, That's officially SUPER STUPID and I'm not entirely sure it's a crayon."

"I'm pleased to know Catfishing didn't originate on our planet."

"Silly Lois, Clark's only worried he was going to have to feign interest in Theatre."
Silly, fun and whimsical. All these words can be used to describe what I've just read and quite frankly, I love that. It it the most memorable tale ever told? Hell no, but unlike my review it's classic kid friendly entertainment.
Dark and gritty comics are cool. I enjoy them as much as the next fan but every once in a while a jovial romp is just what the Doctor ordered. Provides some chuckles and the nostalgia tank gets refilled. Punch your ticket to Happy Town and rescue a copy of Superman #349 from the bins. It's Two Staple Gold.
No molds broken nor minds blown, this is clean entertainment and deserves to be owned. That'll be $2 for the parting rhyme. I accept cash, credit or a pair of Black Condors shorts. Tell ya what, bring the skivvies and I'll throw in a Turnabout League fan casting for free.

-David Schultz
*All images/video clips are rights of their respective owners. Links to external sites are used solely for informational purposes.
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